Some people know us mainly for our fresh apple cider—a tradition we’ve passed down from generation to generation in our family. By our definition, cider is fresh, “uncooked” apple juice: no pasteurization*, no additives, just juice. Our special blend of apples lends a fresh, home-grown flavor that’s hard to beat.

Cider is usually ready by mid-September, and if crop size is decent, it’s often available until late November (sometimes into December). We also sell cider slushies from mid- to late summer, in case you crave it in the off-season!

Thank you for taking part in our family tradition!

We look forward to serving you! If you need larger quantities of a product, call and place an order a week in advance, and we’ll have it ready when you arrive!

*Note: We treat our cider with UV light, to assure product quality.